Municipal Asset Management Program - 
Federation of Canadian Municipalities Funding


FCM’S Municipal Asset management program is accepting application for grants of up to $50,000 to fund asset management in your community.  
  • Asset management assessments
  • Development of asset management plans, policies, and strategies
  • Asset-related data collection and reporting
  • Asset management training and organizational development
  • Knowledge transfer around asset management  
Funding Levels:
  • 80% of total eligible project costs, to a maximum of $50,000 for individual applications.
  • 90% of total eligible project costs, to a maximum of $50,000 for applicants:
  • With 1,000 citizens or less.
  • Who are an Indigenous community with a shared service agreement.
  • Who are one of two or more applicants applying to complete a collaborative project.
Are you ready to apply?
The following are needed:
  • Asset Management Readiness scale self-assessment tool by clicking  here
  • Application Form including:
  • Workplan and Budget
  • Resolution from council, band council, or board of directors.
  • Letter of support from your partner municipality (if required).
  • Commitment to cooperate with each partner (if required).
Eagle can help with your application, including Readiness Assessment, scope and development of work plan, and application documents.